Stainless Steel Vacuum Chamber with outer Electrically Heated Jacket with 2 off 4 kW elements with circulation pump and temperature control. Chamber 600mm dia x 560mm deep to 32 mm dia outlet. Dish top with 110mm sight glass 70mm dia sight glass 50mm dia, 25mm dia and 3 off 12mm dia inlets. with contra rotational stirrer outer anchor with PTFE hinged scrapers inner angle paddle. both with independent 1.2/2.2 kW 48/24 RPM geared drives to vee belts, chamber with bottom entry Turbo Emulsifer type shear head mixer stirrer 7.5 kW 1,440 Rpm drive. Chamber mounted on Mild steel frame with Hydraulic Raise lower and chamber designed to tilt for cleaning.
Overall size 1,400mm x 2,200mm x 2,100mm tall closed height open 2,800mm