Evaporators Thin Film/Wipe Film
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Products in Evaporators Thin Film/Wipe Film 5 Items

S.M.S. Thin Film Evaporator S/S 0.8 Sq.M
S/S 150 Dia. X 1900 mm Tall. Top 150 mm Dia Connection. Bottom 50 mm Dia. Conn- Ection. Chamber Vac Jacket 32 Bar W.P. With 5 Stage Jacket. 1.5 Hp 230 Rpm Flp Drive. Made By Samesrauther Muller Schuss In 1971. Machine No. T160/2127.
Item Ref: N7662-14

Buss-Luwa Vertical 2 Stage Evaporator
0.54 Sq. M. Filmtruder and 0.35 Sq. M. Thermalizer. Requires Positive Feed Pump to the S/S Thermalizer Luwa Type Processor Type Tv-0030 Duty Full Vacuum or 60 Psi at 250 Deg. F.
Surface Area 0.3 Sq. M with 4 kW V/Speed Drive S/S 316L or 316Ti Maag Vicorex 70/70 S/S Gear Pump V/Speed Feed Pump 68-136 Lph at Viscosity 500,000 to 1,000,000 Cps with Suction at 23" Hg
Discharge Pressure 4,000 Psi To Filmtruder Type Hs-0050 180mm Dia X 1,470mm Tall Surface Area 0.54S. Sq. M Full Vac at 400 Deg. F S/S 316L or 316Ti Evaporator
Driven by 22 kW Falk Hydraulic Power with 6.7 Sq. M Condenser with 85 Tubes 19mm Dia X 1,220mm Long
All Skid Mount Frame and Plc Controls. With complete manuals unit Made in the U.S.A.
Item Ref: N9176-14
0.54 Sq.M. S/S Buss-Luwa Filmtruder
Type Hs-0050. Stainless Steel Jacketed Chamber 180mm Dia X 1470mm Long With Maag Vortex 70/70 Feed Pump. Variable Speed Pump To Give 68-136 Lph. Chamber Full Vac At 400 Deg.F. Driven By 2.2Kw Faulk Hydraulic Drive.
Item Ref: N9213-14
0.35 Sq.M. S/S Buss-Luwa Thermalizer
Type Tv-0030 Hdx Processor. Stainless Steel Jacketed 125mm Dia 1070mm Long. Full Vac To 60 Psi At 250 Deg.F. With 4Kw 0-80 Rpm Drive.
Item Ref: N9214-14

Luwa Thin Film Evaporator 0.12Sq.M. S/S
Type Ln0012 Wipe Film Evaporator 120 mm Dia X 330 mm Tall. 70 mm & 38 mm Connections. Chamber Vacuum, Body 14 Bar, 200 Deg C With 1.5 Hp Flp Drive. Machine No. L266. 1967.
Item Ref: N7400-14