Mixers Dry Plough Shear
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Products in Mixers Dry Plough Shear 27 Items

Stainless Steel Chamber 1,220 mm Dia x 3,400 mm long 10 off 180 mm wide plough arms 2 off end scrapers with 55 Kw geared motor drive. 4 off chopper ports [ no choppers] top with 320 mm x 320 mm, 508 mm dia , 200 mm dia , 150 mm dia inlets bottom with 310 mm x 250 mm outlet air operated with 2 off side hinged access doors 760 mm x 380

- Chamber Material: Mild steel
- Chamber Dimensions: 1,100 mm x 3,000 mm long
- Plough Arms: Customized to fit the chamber, with hardox tipped blades for durability
- Drive System: Equipped with a 75 kW gear drive
- Inlet/Outlet: Sized at 700mm x 350mm
- Inspection Hatches: 2 off side inspection hatches measuring 600 mm x 550mm
- Frame: Mounted on a mild steel frame for stability, providing about 1200 mm of ground clearance
- Overall Dimensions: 5,748 mm x 2,400 mm x 3,000 mm (height)
- Weight: Approximately 7,500 kg
- Control Panel: Mounted in an enclosure below the machine
- Manufacturer: WAM, Machine number W17161

Stainless Steel Tee Arm High Shear Mixer with packed gland seals, Chamber 790mm dia x 1,350mm long with 2 off 100mm dia inlets, side inspection port 610mm x 390mm with bottom 150mm dia outlet mounted on mild steel frame to give 400mm ground clearance with 7.5 kW approx 140 rpm geared drive and 4 kW 2,880 rpm.
Overall size 2,900mm x 1,800mm x 1,450mm tall.