Tableting Equip
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Products in Tableting Equip 19 Items

Manesty 150 Accelacota Pan S/S
Stainless steel drum 1,120mm dia X 990mm Face Perforated Pan with 8 blades, Spray Arm with Heater Bank Control Box with Temperature Pressure Water and Manometer with Variable speed drum drive 2 - 25 rpm
Overall size 1,600mm X 1,400mm X 1,400mm Tall Manesty Serial Number: 6Q 183 Set up as Sugar Coater [Requires Watson Marlow Peristaltic Feed Pump and Gill Tube Steam Heat Source]
Item Ref: RC1279-25
Skerman S/S 1,065 mm Dia Coating Pan
Stainless Steel with Flp gear drive
Overall size 1,065mm X 1,080mm X 2,000mm high
Item Ref: N9155-26

Manesty S/S 800 Mm Diam Coating Pan
Stainless Steel Coating Pan 800 mm dia x 600 mm deep with 500 mm dia entrence mounted on mild steel base with 0.75 Kw Drive motor. Overall size 1,220 mm x 1,000 mm x 1,500 mm tall.
Item Ref: ND-11697-26

Seidenader Vibratory Feeder Rotary Table
Stainless Steel Feed Hopper 10 L 500 M/M Dia X 150 M/M Deep To Vibratory Feeder 80 M/M Wide To 400 M/M Dia Rotary Sorting Table To A Tablet Dispenser Chute.
Item Ref: N8127-26
Manesty Boots Deduster Unit S/S
Stainless Steel Unit 90 M/M Dia 280 M/M Face Mounted On Telescopic Stand.
Item Ref: N8201-26

Fette Perfecta 2000 Kilmatex 28 Station Rotary Tablet Press
Rotary Tablet Press Perfecta 2000. Maximum Compression Force 85 Kn With Pre-compression Force Of 2.2 Kn. Max Tablet Dia 12mm. Max Tablet Thickness 8.5mm. Upper Punch Penetration 3-8mm. Max Capacity 30,000 Per Hour. Overall Size 1200mm X 1300mm X 2000mm Tall. Machine Weight 3500Kgs.
Item Ref: N10045-26

Fette Perfecta 1000 17 Station Rotary Tablet Press
Perfecta 1000. Maximum Compression Force 80 Kn With Precompression Force At 20 Kn. Max Tablet Dia 34mm. Max Tablet Thickness 12mm. Upper Punch Penetration 2-6 mm. Max Capacity 45,900 Per Hour. Currently Fitted With 7mm Dies. Overall Size 1200mm X 1100mm X 1800mm Tall. Machine Weight 2000 Kgs. Machine No. 07-373. No. 04/344554. Manufactured 1991.
Item Ref: N10044-26

Courtoy 20 Head Rotary Tablet Press R33
Model R33 With Single Hopper Feed Up To 20mm Dia Tablet Size.Hydraulic Assisted Compression.Up To 670 Tablets Per Minute.Reeves Variable Speed Drive.Overall Size 1500mm.X 1500mm.X 1800mm.Tall
Item Ref: N8026-26

Fette Check Master 3 No.82-523
Multifunction Tablet Tester With Automatic Load And Discharge System For Testing And Recording Tablet Weight, Thickness And Hardness.
Item Ref: N9388-26

Manesty Type F3 Single Punch Tablet Press
Manesty Type F3 Single Punch Tablet Press Max 4 Tons. Current tooling
20 mm dia, Output 42 - 85 Tablets Per Minute With 1.5 kw Motor Drive.
Overall Size 1200mm X 800mm X 1600mm.
Item Ref: ND-13324-26