Qvf Glass
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Products in Qvf Glass 292 Items

5000 Ml Glass Jktd Reaction Vessel
Quickfit Jacketed Vessel With Bottom Outlet
Item Ref: S9629-64

4000 Ml Glass Jktd Reaction Vessel
Quickfit Jacketed Vessel With Bottom Outlet
Item Ref: S9628-64

2 L Jktd Butchi Glass Reaction Vessel
Mini Pilot Glass Jacketed Vessel 100mm Dia X 250mm Deep Dish Top And Bottom To 20mm Dia Outlet With Mag Drive Glass Stirrer,Baffels & Temperature Probe 4 Off 20mm Dia Top Inlets. -1 To +0.5Bar Temp -60 To +180 Deg.C Stirrer Rated 0 To 350 Rpm
Item Ref: S9429-52

1000 Ml Glass Jktd Reaction Vessel
Quickfit Jacketed Vessel With Baffels & Bottom Outlet
Item Ref: S9626-64

500 Ml Glass Jktd Reaction Vessel
Quickfit Jacketed Vessel With Baffels & Bottom Outlet
Item Ref: S6925-64
Qvf Glass Column Adaptor Ca18/6/4
Qvf Glass Column Adptor 450mm/150mm/ 2 Off 100mm Dia 2 Off 40mm Dia
Item Ref: N10647-64
Qvf Glass Column Adaptor Ca18/3/1.5
Qvf Glass 450mm / 75mm / 4 Off 40mm Dia
Item Ref: N10648-64
26 Sq.M Qvf Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
Qvf Glass Shell & Tube Condenser Type Heat Exchanger Type Rgm/12/26/3 With 170 Tubes 12.4mm Od X 3900mm Long Mounted In 310mm Tube Shell With 230mm Dia One End Other 150mm Dia 50mm Dia. With Mild Steel End Caps To Give Three Pass Tubes With 80mm Dia In/Outlets Overall Size 4500mm X 800mm X 910mm
Item Ref: N10637-19